Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Usagi - Prison Break

"Noooo!!! Somebody help me, pleasssseeee!!", Usagi's voice echoed in the empty, long corridors under the castle of Prince Demand. She managed to escape from her cell, where she was kept after she and the other sailor scouts were captured by the Black Moon Clan. Usagi was sure that she will be able to escape from that terrible place and find a way to help her imprisoned fellows. But she was wrong.
She was the one who needed help already. Huge beast, who was the guardian of the prison, was following her. Usagi was powerless, her attacks weren't working. She was tired and the beast was getting closer. Finally, fat hand grabbed her slim, long leg and Usagi fell on earth. Sharp claws ripped her white outfit, revealing her body. Usagi could feel Warm breath of the monster on her neck. She was struggling, but monster was too strong for her. It ripped lower part of her fuku. Usagi was trembling and screaming for help, when the huge, long cock begun to invade her pussy.

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