Saturday, February 19, 2011

Rei - Prisoner of the sisters

- Mghmmm!!! - Rei moaned wordlessly, trying to free herself from the bondage. But she couldn't, no matter how hard she tried. One who put that stuff on her, was skilled enough to make sure, that her prisoner won't be able to break free. Ayakashi Bethier, who caught Rei by surprise, wanted to make captured Sailor Mars her personal pet. Currently she was talking with her sisters about best ways of slave training. She decided that the first step will be to keep Rei in this position for the long time. When Sailor Mars will find that is completely on the mercy of her captor, her spirit will become weaker. Rei's outfit was torn in some places and her dress was gone. Berthier gave Rei big amount of water to drink before closing her there. She knew that full bladder will made Rei's resistance even more pathetic. She also place some speakers on the cell and Rei could hear sound of water coming from them. This wasn't very helpful. and Ayakashi sisters were sitting in the room up to her, drinking tea and looking at their prisoner at the screen of the TV, taking bets how long Rei will stay calm before calling and begging to let her go to the toilet.

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